Erosion Control
Soil Stabilization
Retaining Walls
Hydraluc Structures

Erosion Control
-Cut or Fill Embankment Slopes
-Shoreline Revetments
-Containment Dikes and Levees
-Landscape Applications
-Landfill Linings and Covers
-Abutment Protection
-Highway and Railway Side Slopes
-Dams and Spillways
-Vegetated Channel Structures
Soil Stabilization
-Stabilized Drainage Layer
-Permanent and Temporary Access Roads
-Permeable Load-Support
-Roadway Shoulders
-Stabilized Base For Asphalt Pavements
-Track Ballast and Subballast Structures
-Trails and Walkways
-Foundation Mattresses and Pipeline Protection
-Sport Fields and Playgrounds
-Parking Areas
Retaining Walls
-Green MSE Walls
-Steepened Embankments
-Shoreline Revetments
-Dike and Levee Protection
-Culvert Headwalls
-Landscape Development Walls
-Vegetated Channel Structures
-Sound Barriers
-Dams and Flood Defence Bunds
-Road Widening
Hydraulic Structures
-Storm water Diversion or Containment
-Flow Channels
-Shore Protection
-Culvert Outfalls
-Dam Faces and Spillways
-Down Chutes
-Drop Structures
-Swales and Drainage Ditches
-Process Water Channels
-Storm Water/Waste Water Lagoons
-Geomembrane Protection
Using Geocell For Erosion
GEOPOR Geocell protects steep slopes against erosıon and landslides. The system which protects the material inside the cell, provides a naturel and safe protection against erosion by allowing safe root development and vegetation.
1- In the crushed stone fill applications, a separation geotextile should be used under the geocells.
2-In steep slope applications, it is recommended to use tendons for fixing.
3-Slope stability should be checked before the application.
4-In steep applications an anchorage ditch should be build for safety.
Use of geocell for Ground Reinforcement
GEOPOR Geocell provides superior ground reinforcement under roads, railways, airfields, Access roads, sidewalks and parking areas. The system reduces the base thickness to be used and provides a significant economical cost of filling.
1- The material to be used inside the cells must be high quality engineering.
2-The infill material should be compacted with a vibrating cylinder/ compactor.
3- A separation geotextile should be used under the geocells.
Use of geocells for Retaining Walls
GEOPOR Geocell can be filled with vegetative soil and stabilizing material to build green walls. Flexi retaining walls, which can be constructed using geogrid reinforcement, perform well against earthquake as opposed to conventional reinforced concrete walls.
1-Depending on the height of the Wall, geogrid reinforcement can be used at the determined type and length at each level.
2- A springer irrigation system can be formed on the front of the Wall.
3-The material to be used inside the cells must be high quality engineering fill.
4- At each stage, the material should be compacted with a vibrating cylinder/ compactor.
Use of geocells for Hydraulic Structures
GEOPOR Geocell provides economical and safe solutions for hydraulic structures such as open channels, dam structures, shoreline protection structures and lagoons. Cellular confinement system that can be filled with soil, crushed stone and concrete protects the structures against destructive effects of water.
1-In the crushed stone fill applications, a separation geotextile should be used under the geocells.
2-If there is a membrane on the slope surface, it is recommended to use tendons for fixing.
3-Slope stability should be checked before the application.
4-In the pond/lagoon applications, the cells are filled with concrete.
5-In channel applications and steep slopes an anchorage ditch should be build for safety.